Midsun Energized 570 HVICTM is the only coating offered today that allows for Energized applications.
Midsun Energized 570 HVICTM is a uniquely formulated Room Temperature Vulcanization coating, it offers utility companies worldwide the opportunity to perform quality maintenance for pollution induced outages, without having to experience costly shut downs.
The expense for Midsun Energized 570 HVICTM in most cases is less expensive than our competitors de-energized RTV insulator coatings.
Midsun Group, Inc. is the only manufacturer to offer both the coating and the application service with a “in house”
trained and employed work force.
Applications are performed by Midsun Group trained technicians which guarantees top quality work and allows for warranties to be offered for most projects. Midsun Energized 570 HVICTM can be applied to all equipment up to 765kV.
Midsun Energized 570 HVICTM applications helps reduce:
・costly maintenance shut downs.
・unnecessary wear and tear on system back up units.
・reliance on peak loading generation.
・pollution caused outages.
・IPP contract fines.
Midsun Energized 570 HVICTM stops flashovers anywhere in the world
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